Take Matters Into Your Own Hands & Follow These Tips On How To Get Your Crush

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5 Tips on How To Get Your Crush

We’ve all got that one person, or two (or more if you’re that in need) whom we have hidden feelings for. A crush, so to speak, whom we think would be a perfect match for us. The yin to your yang. The perfect person to cure your cold lonely nights. The One. And yet it seems that you’re the only one who seems to think so, ‘coz most probably that person doesn’t even know you exist, yet! So let us help you turn that “yet” around and follow these 5 Tips on How To Get Your Crush!


Tip#0. Setting Expectations. 

This isn’t a tip on the topic yet, but it’s still very crucial. Most probably these tips won’t work if your crush is an international superstar, or a cover page supermodel, or a rich elite bajillionaire. Well, unless you’re also one yourself. But for the rest of us common folk it would be best to keep our expectations grounded. If you’d want a lasting, or at least a short yet meaningful, relationship with your crush, choose someone who is just well within your reach. I’m sure you know what I mean. But hey, if you think you can overcome the odds then Godspeed to you my friend!


Tip#1. Stalk. (Casually, not Creepily!)

I know you’re doing it right now. First, you ask/look for the full name, nicknames included, just in case. Then find them in all possible form of social media. But hold on! Don’t press those friend requests and follow buttons just yet! At least do it casually. You may want to spread out your adding or following throughout a couple of days. The last thing you’d want to do is creep out your crush and have them find out what a real sociopath you really are. Let’s just leave that between you and me. *wink2x

Facebook is always a good start. Fb is also connected to many other social media sites/apps which give you a good excuse to add them there. People usually start with the casual chat like “Thanks for the accept/add.” or “I think I know/saw you from somewhere/with (*insert common friend’s name).” Also Ask.fm is the best! You can ask your crush anything and as much as you want, anonymously! Thank you, the internet!


Tip#2. Lay Your Head Back Down, Lift Your Hands, And Pray.

If Tip#1 didn’t work and if you’re the pious type then praying to the God of your religion wouldn’t hurt. You may also want to follow the teachings of The Secret and attract from the universe your one and only crush. Remember, your crush is a force beyond your control so it makes sense asking the actual forces beyond your control for some help, right? But just in case, also pray to the Old Gods and the New Gods, and especially to the Lord of Light! For rejection is dark and full of terrors.


Tip#3.  Wish Upon A Star / Well / 11:11.

From Cinderella to Aladdin, if there’s one thing our childhood movies have taught us is that wishes do come true. If your heart’s intentions are pure, nothing is impossible. But let’s face it; most of the intentions of you here aren’t really that pure. Some of you might not even have any pure intention at all! Pure lust maybe. LOL But seriously, what harm would it do? You just wait for a shooting star. Or throw a coin down a well. Or just even look at the time by happenstance at exactly 11:11. Close your eyes and wish your heart’s desire. And maybe, just maybe, if you’re lucky, it may come true! Or  just find a magic lamp that grants wishes just to be sure.


Tip#4. The Voodoo Albularyo’s Do!

If Tips#1-3 didn’t work then finding an Albularyo (Shaman) who’ll make you a gayuma (love potion) would be your next best bet. Most probably the albularyo would ask for something that belongs to your crush or a piece of their hair and whatnot, so just be ready. (As if you don’t have those things already!?) A few random words here, a little ceremony there, and albularyo will concoct for you a potion , which would need some form of application. Effectiveness would depend on of course from albularyo to albularyo. If you don’t know any, message us or comment below and we’ll refer one to you! Haha! And if you find a more effective one please feel free let us know. But if that still doesn’t work then ipakulam na nah imo crush oi!  In English, cast a spell on your crush already!


And lastly, I must warn you is a very advanced move. So tread carefully!


Tip#5. Be a Friend then Ask Him/Her Out.

Shocking right?! Yes, this is the hardest one to actually do, but it’s still the most effective. Just get to know the person first. Find out if you really like that person, not just physically, but also for who they really are. And if you do, then ask them out. Yes, there is a chance that they may say NO, which would really mean that they’re not interested or not available at all. Orrrrr, they may say YES! But even then, there’s still no guarantee. When they do go out with you, just hope that they’ll also like you for who you are too. Goodluck!

Ceth Garvez

®Nurse | ®Real Estate Broker | Law Student | Writer | Traveller | Hopeless Romantic | Student of Life

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