Take Matters Into Your Own Hands & Follow These Tips On How To Get Your Crush

We’ve all got that one person, or two (or more if you’re that desperate) whom we have hidden feelings for. A crush, so to speak, whom we think would be a perfect match for us. The yin to your yang. The One. The perfect person to cure your cold lonely nights. And yet it seems that you’re the only one who seems to think so, ‘coz most probably that person doesn’t know you exist, yet! So let us help you turn that “yet” around and follow these 5 Tips on How To Get Your Crush!

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5 Break Up Rules Codified

Moving on from a break up is a grueling experience for anyone. You could either be the one who just wants to leave the relationship or the one wanting (secretly or not) to make the relationship work. You just have to remember that a relationship ALWAYS takes BOTH parties to make it work. NO EXCEPTIONS. Check out these 5 Break Up Rules Codified to know how to deal with a break up and eventually moving on.

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5 Online Dating Rules

Are you familiar with Tinder, OkCupid, Brenda, Grindr, Badoo, or WeChat? If NO or you’ve heard it but you didn’t use it, NO WONDER YOU’RE STILL SINGLE! But I don’t blame you if you haven’t tried them. These App-based Dating Platforms are such a hit in the US and Europe that it’s been a favorite topic on Hollywood movies and articles online.

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5 Tips When You Check-In A Motel

Our friends have done this. We have done this. We made fun out of the experience. But we never know what we should do because this subject is taboo in our society. So WE listed this 5 Tips When You Check-In A Motel for everyone to know, especially for those who hasn’t checked-in a motel before and for those who has been but didn’t know there are rules (basically for everyone!)

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