Squad Goals of the Day | WANDERERS | KnowCebu

WANDERERS | Explore and Wander

Today’s Squad of the Day is from WANDERERS ( Michael Bernard Katigbak, Jake Marius Bernadas, Junelyn Salve Tinaco, Michelle Camara, Paulo Bajao, Bame Tiempo Posa, Kenrich Salve, Crystilen Mae Caga, Arcef Festejo, Epifanio Janiola Simabajon, Ma Riza Quintano Olaño, Vincent Allan M Dejito)

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Squad Goals of the Day | Team Awesome | KnowCebu

Team Awesome | All in One???

Today’s Squad of the Day is from
Team Awesome ( Evangeline Dinopol, Carlo Jumao, Lira Escarpe, Jack Austria, Cherie Glaze Nemeño, Raymon Apoletisima, Darell Dela Peña, Ken Pangatungan, Imran Bazan, Rico Torion, Junrell Camay, Zoe Zoe, Russel Pulgo, Janzy Castillo, Jill Marian Punio, Rose Lyn, Giselle Jane Abello, Madz Perez, Mae Lin, Cherry lyn Reyes-Monzon, Edcel Rose, Janzy Castillo, Zoe Zoe, Pam Mee, Johanna Cadiz Diocampo, James Arienza)

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