Start earning with Cash Agad

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Make Cash Agad your partner for recovery


Despite the Pandemic, there are still ways for one to earn money like becoming a Cash Agad agent.

The Cash Agad partner agents network is comprised of small to medium business owners in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao who are operating the Cash Agad service in their communities. This service aims to provide ready access to cash for distant communities, especially those who are not so easily reached by public transportation. These would include communities in places that were located in challenging terrains like mountains, hilly areas, or those in far flung islands only reachable by boat.


Community shops-turned-ATMs
A community shop owner (the business might also be a salon, drugstore, hardware store, etc.) is usually tapped to be Cash Agad partner agent. Since such a business owner has long been part of the locality, it’s much easier for the people to trust him or her with their money-related transactions.

Once the shop owner becomes a Cash Agad partner, they are given a POS terminal that is capable of accepting transactions using any Philippine-issued ATM card whether debit or credit. The POS terminal can accept ATM cards from all banks in the Philippines.

Cash Agad and LGUs
Another advantage of using Cash Agad is that it does not depend on banking hours. As long as the Cash Agad partner shop is open, it can accept transactions.

Even LGUs depend on Cash Agad to deliver the government’s financial aid to those in need. For example, the beneficiaries of 4Ps withdraw their monthly cash assistance from Cash Agad. Even the IPs or members of the indigenous people’s communities are able to get their financial aid through Cash Agad. All these are possible thanks to the cooperation between LGUs and Cash Agad partner agents.

LGU employees, policemen, and teachers in the community likewise depend on Cash Agad for their salary withdrawals. Private employees, families of overseas Filipinos, all of them now access salaries and remittances from Cash Agad, too.

According to Jim Nasol, Head of Agency Banking (Cash Agad) of BDO, the bank has been planning to have Cash Agad partner agents in secluded areas for a long time. This is because they want to help rural areas across the country to be more progressive.

Our Cash Agad partner agents are the key to broadening financial systems. We see that in places like Pitogo, financial inclusion can go a long way in making lives easier for Filipinos in secluded communities,” he explained.

In addition, Arnold Katipunan, Head of Sales of Cash Agad in BDO, said that financial inclusion and access to money is very important during this time of the pandemic when a lot of people and businesses need to rise up from the dampening effects of the crisis. Ultimately, their recovery will bring new life to the national economy.



The number of Cash Agad partner agents in the country continue to increase. For more information about Cash Agad, go to the BDO website or send an email to

Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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