Squad Goals of the Day | #TeamJesus | KnowCebu
Show everyone how you rock the word ‘ SQUAD GOALS’!
#TeamJesus | Young, Christian, Happy
Today’s Squad of the Day is from #TeamJesus (Tcid Benedict Yap, Katelynne Corbo, Gennefer Jaleno Jacotmaya, Jovel Marco, Nesis Esdri, Christopher Khyle, Yna Narvacan, Rayhla Jaenila Batulan, Krizella Rhea Batulan, Sofia Anne Corbo, Johnanax Aller, Aljon Fernan Navales, Zee Nith, Parte Tuburan Galang, Darleen Monterroyo Tuburan, Easter Marie Santoya, Shay Flores)