Movie Review: #Jowable

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Review: Kim Molina has proven BIG TIME that she has what it takes, not just #Jowable, to be a Movie Star



REVIEW – Kim Molina was fun, daring with the small screen movie ‘Momol Nights’. But can she maintain or surpass the success of Momol Nights with her latest movie #Jowable’? DEFINITELY YES.


It’s no secret that Kim Molina was a theatre actor prior to joining the showbiz industry. And it is because her exposure to theatre arts that her acting chops are more unique than any actor within her age bracket.


In the movie, Kim has a no. of voice overs and monologues. I haven’t seen any big screen movies that made it big that have voice overs and monologues. Maybe I’ve seen some but I’d probably forgotten about them because the mere idea of seeing it on screen will surely make it insignificant (if not boring). But lo and behold, Kim was able to pull it, and I was all ears listening to her monologue. In fact, the scene moved me and made me somehow feel what her character was feeling that time.


The fun part of the movie, and as seen on the movie trailer, was Kim’s conversation with Candy Pangilinan’s character as a nun. It may or may not be true for a nun, but Candy’s portrayal of her character as a nun showed that nuns do also have their ‘personal needs’.
The ‘sex scene’ was also to watch out for. Kim was able to show her sultry side. She has the body, she has the appeal, and she’s not afraid to show it on screen especially with her off-screen partner.


Overall, #Jowable is a sexy, comedy movie, and Kim Molina was able to let us all realize that we are all jowable. We may not have the partner that we’re looking for yet, but there are people around us who care for us but we might not see them that they care for us.



Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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