Local Eye Catcher of the Day | Kyrie Eleison | KnowCebu

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These professionals are not just all about work and business. They understand that looking great is not just for personal reasons but a recipe for success. They’re not just eye candies, they’re Local Eye Catchers (the complete package!)

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title Local Eye Catcher. Try to spot them in their following companies/workplace!


Kyrie Eleison | Passionate, Disciplined, Strong-willed | Retail Account Merchandiser – Micro Electronic Company (Spark Solutions); Triathlete – Elite in Training (TeamHAIT)

Today’s Local Eye Catcher of the Day is Kyrie Eleison
Follow Kyrie on Facebook @KyRie Eleison, Instagram @KyRie_Eleison1120

Photo credit to: Reynan O. Ada Photography

Full name:  Naune Elison D. Mejares

Relationship Status: Single

Hobbies:  What turns you on? I’m a triathlete at heart so pretty much I devote my time swimming, riding my bike or going out for a run. Also, I am fond of challenging my taste buds on different cuisines. I guess that’s also one of my hobbies – searching for interesting restos and then trying ’em out!

Photo credit to: Photographer

What turns you on?  

I go for the brainy type, well-organized and reserved person. That person who blows me away with her cleverness and wit.

Pet Peeves?

Annoying people really tick me off, especially when my training scheduled is messed up. People who also take advantage, inconsiderate and insensitive individuals. I dislike inconsistencies, as well!

What’s your ideal date?

By the beach with a mountain view.

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you.

I used to serve at church as an altar boy.

What’s the best thing about being Single?

I have my own time.

Photo credit to: Running Photographers

How can someone catch your attention?

If that person easily engages in conversation with me, I’d easily be interested. If that person also understands my craft, gets exactly what I love to do, however knows my limits, would definitely deserve my attention.

Photo credit to: Three Of Me

What’s best about Cebu?

The sights, sounds and people! Cebu is home. Cebu has a lot of potentials, in terms of expansion, tourism, technology and development. It’s a very promising land to dreamers and builders. There’s a lot to see here. Cebu never settles and always yearns to be better, just like the quality of population it has!

Johneejo Ramos

Website Developer | Computer Programmer | Guitarist

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