Local Eye Catcher of the Day | Kim Castañeda | KnowCebu

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These professionals are not just all about work and business. They understand that looking great is not just for personal reasons but a recipe for success. They’re not just eye candies, they’re Local Eye Catchers (the complete package!)

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title Local Eye Catcher. Try to spot them in their following companies/workplace!


Kim Castañeda | Empathic, Emotional (sometimes), Patient | Junior Accountant at Mercedes-Benz Group Services Philippines,Inc.

Today’s Local Eye Catcher of the Day is Kim Castañeda
Follow Kim on Facebook @Kim Castañeda, Instagram @Kimshes

Full name: Kimberly Jhen Gelaga Castaňeda

Relationship Status:  In a relationship

Hobbies:  Browsing through the social media sites for news and social events, Eating, Going out with friends and talking about random things.

What turns you on? People who has a lot of things to tell me where i can learn and ponder over some time ,and family oriented as well. Men of masculine bearing but with chubby tummy is a cute physical turn on.

Pet Peeves?  People who sing out loud out of nowhere in a crowd of people. I get uncomfortable when people try to poke me.

What’s your ideal date? 

I get to sometimes fantasize of a romantic date, where me and my partner can have a dinner under the stars and the moon and after indulging into yummy food, a romantic slow dance with the violin playing ( be it recorded or live) whispering to each others souls how lucky we both are for having each other.

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you.

Never in my life have I tried being drunk as wasted.

What’s the best thing about being Single?

Being single gives you the best time to pamper yourself, pursue whatever career you want in life and have most of your leisure days spent with family, friends,  and yourself.

How can someone catch your attention?

Being witty, Outspoken in a decent way, and humorous are the things that catch my attention.

What’s best about Cebu?

It has been a known fact that Cebu has all the great destinations that people can come and visit. From beaches, to mountain ranges, shopping malls to food bazaars, name it and Cebu has it. But most importantly, i can say that what’s best about Cebu is its people and their faith. This is being showcased in seasons like this when Novena masses are held in Basilica Minore del Santo Niňo that no matter how bad the weather is, this can never shake the enthusiasm of the people to go and still attend mass solemnly and calmly despite the pushing and pulling of the big crowd. And from this, i can say that Cebu has been and will forever be great because of its faith to God.

Johneejo Ramos

Website Developer | Computer Programmer | Guitarist

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