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These professionals are not just all about work and business. They understand that looking great is not just for personal reasons but a recipe for success. They’re not just eye candies, they’re Local Eye Catchers (the complete package!)

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title Local Eye Catcher. Try to spot them in their following companies/workplace!


Chennie Marie Montero | Sweet but fierce | Model

Today’s Local Eye Catcher of the Day is Chennie Marie Montero
Follow Chennie on Facebook @chenniemonteroofficial

Photographed by Aljen Araneta

Full name:  Chennie Marie Montero

Relationship Status:  In a relationship ?

Hobbies:  Listening to music, taking photos, singing, writing for my personal blog, working out, traveling and modeling (to name a few)

Photographed by Banawe Corvera

What turns you on? If you mean what qualities I would find attractive, I’d say if he has a great personality and if he’s a kind, honest and thoughtful gentleman; someone who would be ready to meet my family and can easily connect with them. Also, it is very important that he is hygenic; additional points if he maintains shape (with that I mean he’s healthy and works out too) and if he has a charming face.

Pet Peeves? Unclosed zippers, dirty utensils, loudly chewing food; and doors left open

What’s your ideal date?   My ideal date would be dinner/picnic by the sea or a picnic at the rooftop, then stargazing at night. I guess you can say I’m more of a romantic type.

Photographed by Matt Pingkian

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you.

I was bullied during my younger years because of my height and skin complexion (I was apparently too tall and too brown for the society back then). My classmates used to call me names. But that pushed me hard to become a better and stronger person who still embraces her so-called imperfections.

What’s the best thing about being Single?

The best thing about being Single is you have more time to focus on, discover and love yourself. Maybe you are single for now because you have yet to discover and love yourself first. When you finally can, Mr. or Ms. Right will be ready to meet you. ?

Photographed by Scott Llewel Dubista Pacaldo

How can someone catch your attention?

At first glance, if he or she is able to bring his or herself well; also if he or she dresses well and neatly, that will catch my attention.?


What’s best about Cebu?

The best thing about Cebu aside from our food and our places, are the people and their hospitality. When you’re in Cebu, you’ll feel at home no matter where you come from.


Local Eye Catcher of the Day | Chennie Marie Montero | KnowCebu – KnowCebu

Local Eye Catcher of the Day | Chennie Marie Montero | KnowCebu


Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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