Local Eye Catcher of the Day | Anthony Gibben Alazas Sinco | KnowCebu

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These professionals are not just all about work and business. They understand that looking great is not just for personal reasons but a recipe for success. They’re not just eye candies, they’re Local Eye Catchers (the complete package!)

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title Local Eye Catcher. Try to spot them in their following companies/workplace!


Anthony Gibben Alazas Sinco | Enthusiastic, Diligent, Neat |  IELTS Instructor and Coordinator

Today’s Local Eye Catcher of the Day is Anthony Gibben Alazas Sinco
Follow Anthony on Facebook @Anthony Gibben Alazas Sinco, Instagram @antgibsinco, Snapchat @antgibsinco

Full name:  Anthony Gibben Alazas Sinco

Relationship Status:  Single


Searching for new songs and downloading them on my phone, Shopping for new clothes, Drinking coffee or Eating dessert in a cafe or restaurant and Spending time with my friends and family.

What turns you on?

Firstly, someone who has a good taste in fashion to the extent that he/she wears the appropriate attire required for that occasion or event. Secondly, someone who has a goal in life whether it is short or long term. Lastly, someone who cares for his/her personal hygiene.

Pet Peeves?

Topsy-turvy things and not completing my to-do-list for the day.

What’s your ideal date? 

I am not picky in terms of the venue. Any venue is fine for as long as it is not too crowded and the one I am having a date with can keep up with my loquacious and inquisitive personality.

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you.

I am obsessive-compulsive.

What’s the best thing about being Single?

No one demands my time and the things I should and should not do, and I get to spend more time with my family.

How can someone catch your attention?

Generally, tall people catch my attention. However, a person who wears eyeglasses and reads a book while sipping a cup of coffee catches more of my attention.

What’s best about Cebu?

The lechon and Sinulog Festival, I must say. Cebu has the best tasting lechon and offers the most enjoyable and extravagant festival in the Philippines.

Johneejo Ramos

Website Developer | Computer Programmer | Guitarist

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