Local Delight | DJ Rheyne Valentine

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We want to showcase local artists, designers,  musicians, and any skill or talent  that is worthy to be recognized and has the knacks to make it big!


Local Delight of the Day is DJ Rheyne Valentine

DJ Rheyne Valentine is 22 years old and a product of Cebu Technological University – Main Campus.


If not doing any gig, what are you up to?

I’m working at daytime as a Sales Executive in a local clothing brand in the metro. I’m also an entrepreneur of a fresh clothing brand that aims and collaborate with universities/colleges for their official wear.


What are your hobbies?

DJing is one of my best interests that I’ll put into this list as number one. (That’s for sure!) Next is music production that is more involved in creating mashups/edits which is my specialty and where my avenue of music creativity kicks in. I do it most often in my spare time after every priority is done.

And of course, food. Both eating and cooking. Who doesn’t love food? I’m a frustrated chef and I’m good at it tho’. I’m also a gamer of RPG, FPS, TPS, Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller (that includes Violence and Horror) and Racing genres that I’m playing in all possible platforms. To name a few, Assassins Creed franchise, Call of Duty franchise, Devil May Cry series, Need for Speed franchise, Tekken series and many more.

I’m not a physically active guy when it comes to sports but when my mood kicks in for some action, I do biking up to the distant areas, I play badminton in an indoor court setup, and I walk or run for miles in the break of dawn.

The last and not the least, is sleeping. One of the few ways to find peace is through sleep, this is also the best way to somehow regain my drained energy from a busy and productive week.


How long have you been doing your craft?

I’ve been doing it for about 5 years on-and-off since 2011. When we say on-and-off, that is inconsistent and the reason is that it wasn’t my total priority years ago.  I had school/college and work to fit into my time before and by chance, I was bale to play, practice and self-study at home with the aid of some friends who are also in the same interest.


What would you consider your biggest break so far, in the industry?

It was in recent years in 2014, 2015 and the present that my career as a DJ went smooth for me. I won’t forget those two big summer events in 2015, Summer Madness 2015 of Southern Elite Prod and Hyper 2.0 of Hyper Cebu in partnership with JCI Cebu that I considered as the the biggest breaks.  It took me this far and opened doors for me to be present in the music festivals, bars and nightclubs in the metro.

What made you want to become a DJ??

It’s just me, myself and I with all the love for music and the craft. What inspired me more to be a DJ is the art of it, the exploration and knowledge of the sound, formulating surprise and creative element. The entertainment factor is non-stop until you reach the point that you’ll build  your name, face and signature remembered by the audience/your followers to look forward for.


Who’s your biggest influence/inspiration in your craft?

My local influence is Rome Van Day for his massive creative element and entertainment factor. In fact, he is my career motivational mentor who pushed me to go beyond my limits as an artist and not to stop experimenting and creating a remarkable signature in the industry. He also advised me that even if you are a DJ at night and a regular guy by day doesn’t make you two different persons. Attitude is also necessary to stay long in this industry and if you fail with that, you’ll mess your reputation badly so he told me to always keep my feet on the ground.

My inspiration is the people who love the entertainment and the music I give, my family and love ones who always tell me to do my best in everything I do, my fellow DJs and event/club personnel who are impressed with the skill that I show and lastly, our God above for the blessings He shower us with everyday.


What events do you cover?

For future event/gig updates, follow me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/dj.rheyne.valentine/. My Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/dj_rheyne_valentine/. For my radioshows/mixtapes at http://www.mixcloud.com/dj_rheyne_valentine/.


Where can people reach you?

For bookings and events, please contact me at (+63) 932 608 7411 or e-mail me at real.rain.address@gmail.com.



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