How To Move On From Your Ex

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Classic and Bitter Approach On How To Move On From Your Ex

Not all relationship ends up exactly what we want to happen. HOW TO MOVE ON from $#!&* EX is probably one of the most challenging and difficult phase in anyone’s life (exception is if you haven’t truly love someone, or worse, NBSB/NGSB).

We will give you 2 options on how to move on from your ex: you can either take the Classic Approach or the Bitter Approach.


5 Ways To Move On (Classic Approach By Harold Jason)

1. Delete All Pictures/ Memories You Had With Your Ex

Why do you need to see his/her picture or remember memories you had together? You’ll only be inviting and inflicting pain to yourself by recalling the good and bad memories. You’re probably holding on to those pictures and memories in the hopes that destiny will work in your favor and return him/her back to your life. But that rarely happens. It takes so much courage to delete/remove pictures and memories, but this will give you the confidence that you’re ready to start a new life after doing it.

2. Start Working Out or Do Anything That Will Make You A Better Person.

Find a hobby or activity that can keep you occupied. Better yet, go to the gym and get in to shape. Get that body that you always wanted. It’s a good diversion, plus, you dont want your ex to see you miserable without them.


3. Temporarily Block Every Connection You have with Your Ex.

When you say temporarily block, that means avoid. Avoid every connection with your ex like his/her friends and family. You’ll ask why do you need to avoid them when they’re not part of the conflict and they may even provide you with the emotional support that you need? This is only temporary though. The main reason why you need to avoid them is to avoid entertaining the idea about ‘what ifs’ (like what if you didn’t do this or what if I do this to save the relationship). Just avoid them until you are emotionally stable and have completely moved on.


4. Go Through The Pain, Don’t Try To Escape From It.

This is the toughest part. Others try to avoid the reality so they won’t get emotionally affected or hurt, but the truth is, they are just prolonging the pain. And the fastest way to get over the pain is to go through the process of pain. Cry, Shout, Scream and experience pain and the earlier you’ll get over with your ex.


5. Always Remind Yourself Of The Things/Reasons Why Both Of You Are Not Meant To Be

Remind and think about the things reasons why the relationship was bound to fail. Nobody’s perfect. Every one has its own flaws. Focus on that. Don’t entertain ideas or possibilities of you being together or working it out on the second or nth time.


5 Ways To Move On From Your Loser Ex(Bitter Approach)

1. Remember Your Ex.

Yup, you’ve read it right. REMEMBER YOUR EX. Remember everything, the good and bad memories. Hold on to remember that you will never, ever fall for someone like them. You deserve so much better. Don’t fall in love with a girl or guy who reminds you of your ex. That’s a bad omen.


2. Don’t Be A Better Person, Be The Best!

The best revenge you can inflict to your ex is to become the best person you can be. BE SUCCESSFUL! Find ways or means to excel in something you’re good about. Don’t be mediocre. Make sure you are more successful than her/him. That way, you will have the last laugh. Think about Amor Powers in Pangako Sa Yo teleserye(haha).


3. Fall In Love.

The best way to forget your ex is to make new memories by falling in love! Call it panakip butas or a fling. But the point is to forget your ex, find new love, and remember how good it is to love and be loved.


4. Go Through The Pain and Release the Emotion.

Do not keep all the hurt and pain to yourself. If you keep the pain for so long and once you reach the threshold, you’ll eventually explode and all hell will break loose. You may regret your actions when that happens. Just like how volcanoes errupt or earthquakes happen, keeping it all to yourself can cause serious effects to you- physically, mentally, emotionally. It will affect your eating and sleeping habits, your productivity, your happiness. Don’t let your ex have the upper hand by destroying you as a person. Talk to your friends, family, guidance counselor, or anyone who will listen to you. Just have an outlet. No matter how introvert or alone you are, someone is always there to listen and care for you.


5. Celebrate Being Single!

Being Single is not a bad thing. Don’t tie your world to your ex. Life has so much to offer. There’s a lot of guys/girls around you who shares the same feeling, the same likeness like you. You just need to be open, explore and enjoy meeting persons. Go on a date. Remember that happiness is a choice. So choose to be happy.
Why not try and join speed dating or Mixer events?

Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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