How To Earn 10k Monthly

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How To Earn 10k Monthly (No Selling, No MLM)

Who doesn’t want to earn extra money? If you’re the type of individual who’s contented with what they are earning now, please give yourself a pat on the back. If you’re like the most of us, WE NEED to learn how to earn extra money. With the rising prices of goods and services, no matter how big our salaries are, it’s never enough. Fortunately, I found a way how to earn 10k monthly without selling and without shelving money upfront like networking or MLM, Online Jobs.

What are Online Jobs?

Online Jobs, in its layman definition, are jobs that can be performed online. With the explosion of the internet, physical boundaries like borders, distance, and proximity are removed. If you’re here in Cebu, you don’t need to travel to Manila or even abroad to order a product not found in your local area. You don’t even have to go to your local mall to go shopping as you can do so on your fingertips and still get amazing offers and discounts. Almost, if not all, everything can be done electronically or online nowadays. Aside from goods, services can be traded online as well and this resulted to the rise in Online Jobs.

Most Business Entities in the US, Europe and Australia have realized that if they want to be profitable and competitive, they have to outsource their operations overseas. And this is why we have BPOs and Call Centers here in Cebu and in the Philippines. Because of our cheap labor as compared to hiring a worker in their area ( Minimum Wage in the Philippines is around USD $10 a day for an 8-hour work schedule, and in some states in the US, HOURLY rate is $13. See how cheap our labor is?) But for small business entities and individuals, getting a BPO or a call center to perform part of their operations is not an option because it’s too expensive for them.

However, there are virtual marketplaces where small business entities and private individuals can get or hire someone to perform part of their operations. An example of a virtual marketplace is (formerly Odesk) and So in a virtual marketplace, skills or services are traded. Some of the skills that you can offer to business entities or clients are:

    • Admin Support
    • Translation
    • Writing
    • Customer Service
    • Sales & Marketing
    • Design & Creative
    • And more!

How Do Online Jobs Work?

How do we get an online job from a virtual marketplace? You need first to sign up. Most virtual marketplaces like are free for you to sign up. You’ll have to create your virtual profile. Now, your virtual profile is like your virtual Resume or CV, it contains your basic contact information, work experience, and skills. So you need your profile to be as impressive as possible to get noticed by clients. Once you created your profile, you will then select which jobs posted online would you like to apply. After finding a job that you’d like to apply, you will then enter your bid amount or the amount that you’d like to be paid (it can be hourly or monthly rate, depending on the job post) and your cover letter.

You need to remember though that you’re not the only one applying for the job, the job is posted online so anyone from anywhere in the world can apply to it as well. So you need your amount to be competitive, realistic and ask yourself if you’re really worth it. Guys from South Asia like the Indians are our main competition when it comes to virtual workforce and their rates are mostly crazy low. And if you’re a business owner selecting which applicant to choose or evaluate, they will check first how much your bid amount is, and then your profile. Clients will then contact you via email to schedule for an interview, either via skype (video or voice call) or email. You need to quickly respond to the email notifications though, as most clients would like to hire someone that they can easily reach anytime at their convenience. So please take note of time difference. Usually, the applicant who answers first to their invitation for an interview will be interviewed first. And if they find that applicant to be really good or seems to fit the requirements, they will then hire that applicant on the spot. So you really need to be alert always. It’s the price that we have to pay, besides, you’re the one selling your skills. So you’re the one going after the client.

How Do We Get Paid?

If you got a client from Upwork, the client can pay you on a weekly basis (if it’s an hourly job) or per milestone(as agreed). Other clients will pay you on a monthly basis. You can either enroll your local savings bank account or paypal to receive your payment.

How Do We Earn 10k Monthly?

If you check jobs under Admin Support and apply as a Virtual Assistant, the recommended and ideal rate is USD $3 an hour. Clients usually are looking for someone who can perform 20 hours of work per week. That’s an equivalent work of 4 hours a day from Monday to Friday. So if you bid for USD$3 for a 20-hour work week, you’ll earn $60 a week or $240 a month. Peso-Dollar Exchange nowadays ranges in Php44 to 4Php45. So that means, you can earn Php2,600.00+ a week or Php10,400.00+ monthly.

Remember, this is just a part time work. This is on top of your salary from your regular work. If you want to go full time, you can render 40 hours weekly. If you want to view it as a businesss like me, you can render more than 40hours weekly. Basically, you earn more when you render more hours. That’s where the money and how fast you can earn.

If you need further help, you can check for tips on how to get started, trainings, and even having them to help you find a client!

Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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