Cebu Mixers Discreet 06-04-16

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Let’s Try Something Different…

Single and Ready to Mingle but don’t know where to mingle? Or you’ve dated for some time but can’t find the ‘one’? Or you just find it challenging to talk to a stranger that you like? Whatever your reasons are, Cebu Mixers is for you!


Cebu Mixers…

It’s the same thing as Speed Dating and on what you’ve seen in the movies wherein you get to meet guys/girls for about a minute and then when the timer rings, you move to the next person and get to know them for a minute. But for the May 28 Event, it’s EXCLUSIVE for discreet and good looking bisexual guys.


The Difference With Cebu Mixers is…

The Club is by invitation only.  We will post a Facebook Ad inviting everyone qualified to submit their intent to join The Club by filling up the form below to show your intent to join. We will then screen applicants and if they pass, we will send them a message informing them that they’re now part of The Club and will receive updates on when and where the next Speed Dating event will happen.


The Qualifications

The Mixer is open to all provided they meet the minimum qualifications:

  • Must be at least 21 years Old
  • Confident
  • Is Working
  • Open Minded,
  • Single and not in a relationship
  • Discreet Bisexual Guy and/or Gay, as long as not loud or too effeminate

NOTE: Those who registered for the May 28 Mixer Event and wasn’t able to received an invite will be considered for the Event on June 4 provided they meet the qualifications

For the Mixers to be a success, we will prioritize applications if you’re physically good looking. This is subjective, but we believe that everyone has what it takes to be ‘good looking’. It’s just a matter of how confident you are and how you carry yourself.

The aim of The Club is for you to find your potential dating partner, and for us to that, we only want serious takers. Would you like to date or know someone who’s good looking, has a job, and open-minded? If yes, then you’ll definitely have a great time plus a chance of finding love or finding new friends.

So if you’re Single and would like to enjoy being Single, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for!

Fill up this form: Apply Now

We’ll send the exclusive invitation containing the date and venue to members only.



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