Cafe Belle

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Feature: Cafe Belle

As a general rule, I avoid sweets as possible. Since it’s a complex sugar, it takes longer for our body to break it down and thus, make you fat. I still eat sweets but only in bite size and not the entire thing. Milk tea is an exception to the rule (ironic, isn’t it? lol)

A friend of mine recommended to try Cafe Belle in Talamban. I try to avoid the Talamban area mainly because of the traffic but he said that their Milk Tea is a must try. It’s the weekend and I’ve no plans for the day, so I told myself to try it out all for the love of Milk Tea.

Cafe Belle is located besides USC – Talamban Campus near Gate 3. It’s cozy and since it’s beside the University, there are a number of students in the Cafe hanging out (and I know why later!)

I tried their TEArrific Combo because it was so affordable. If I buy a Milk Tea in the City and in the Malls, Milk Tea alone costs around Php 90 to Php150.00. Cafe Belle is offering a Milk Tea combo for only Php 90.00, that’s such a saver! But at that price, you know there’s always a catch, right?


So I asked the staff which is the house specialty, toast or waffle? She said both. Understandable from the Staff point of view. So I asked, which is the best seller? She then said that their customers ordered waffles most of the time. So I ordered 2 TEArrific Combo (Mill Tea + Half Waffle) to try out their Nutella Waffle and Blueberry Cheese Cake Waffle (I know it’s contradictory from what I said before that sweets are not my thing but it was 11am and I haven’t had breakfast yet. So don’t judge me lol)

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I got the Matcha Milk Tea (it’s supposed to be a healthy flavor, right?) and it’s what I’ve been looking for a Milk Tea. Most Milk Teas in Korean and Taiwanese Cafe’s are not sweet or has too much ice. Cafe Belle’s Milk Tea has the right kind of sweetness for a Milk Tea. The staff was very accommodating and asked me if my Milk Tea was too sweet or not, so they can make it sweet according to my taste. But they don’t have to as it was already perfect.

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Then the waffles. THE WAFFLES. I’m used to ordering waffles being folded together with the filling. But Cafe Belle was different. They make emphasis on the presentation regardless of the price.

I tried the Nutella waffle first. Personally, I don’t like Nutella because it’s too sweet to my taste. But on the first bite, it was surprisingly yummy. It wasn’t that sweet as I’ve expected for a Nutella flavor. Maybe it was because of the cream on top?

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Then I tried the Blueberry Cheesecake waffle. My first Blueberry Cheesecake experience made me swear not to eat any Blueberry Cheesecake again. I just didn’t like the taste of Blueberry and Cheesecake together. But Cafe Belle’s version reminded me that all Blueberry Cheesecake aren’t the same. It was just right.

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So what’s the catch? NONE.  The place is cozy and they have a fast wifi connection.  At Php 90.00, this is a godsend! No wonder why there’s a number of students hanging out in a Cafe. Cafe Belle is all about value for money without sacrificing the quality, taste and presentation of the food. Their prices are student friendly. So for working professionals like me, this is SULIT! I highly recommend CAFE BELLE to anyone!

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Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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