Businesses Are Finding Ways: Mr. Hayato Hazaki

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How one bank met Mr. Hayato Hazaki’s, a Japanese entrepreneur, rigorous “customer service test”

A key factor for growth to any company is its ability to adapt to cultural differences while still maintaining excellent customer service.

When Japanese entrepreneur Mr. Hayato Yazaki came to the Philippines to set up his business, he looked for a bank that fits the Japanese standards for a good partner. Mr. Yazaki runs Izumi Global, an education company that provides after-school learning using the Nippon Math method for children ages 3-11 years old. It also provides licensing and has more than 10 branches.

Trust and reliability, he said, are very important. These values are part of the Japanese mindset and are considered crucial when engaging in a long-term commitment. Mr. Yazaki, however, added he goes beyond these considerations, as he also looks into speed, overall performance, even the personality and attitude of the people he deals with.



So when he asked from the Japanese community for bank recommendations, BDO was a standout. Mr. Yazaki said that he appreciates BDO customer service in the Philippines. “Ms. Lyn Lazona and Ms. Hiromi Shimoda of the Japan Help Desk are always a message away. If we have questions or asked for a meeting, they are always quick and willing to oblige. I think being under the Japan Help Desk really made the service speedy and convenient for us since they know Japanese expectations and requirements.”


A reliable partner during lockdown


When the pandemic struck and the quarantines and lockdowns were imposed, Izumi Global faced a lot of challenges. They had to quickly convert to online classes as children are not allowed to go out. The company also had to consider their licensees/franchisees, whose income also depends on their support.

To answer the needs of both their students and franchisees, Izumi Global had to secure a shipment of educational materials. Mr. Yazaki didn’t think this was still possible due to the constraints brought about by lockdown but to his surprise, BDO’s Ms. Lyn went out of her way to help him secure the shipment. “We were expecting that the documents would be delivered through courier. Instead, Ms. Lyn went through that extra effort that meant a lot to us. If no one assisted us with the requirements, the shipment will be abandoned and we cannot get our study materials. We almost had to cancel the online program for the students.”

According to Mr. Yazaki, his bank made sure that even during the lockdown, their transactions proceeded at a nearly normal pace. While some transactions were a bit slower, they made up for it with convenience by shifting the processes online. For him, the confidence he places on BDO and their relationship is well-deserved and meets his exacting ideals as a Japanese client.

For more information on how BDO can help your business in good times and bad times, visit


Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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