KnowCebu Financial Tip #1 Build an Income-Generating Website or App

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KnowCebu Financial Tip #1 Build an Income-Generating Website or App — the first way to earn more than P100,000/month in Cebu. Earn passive income online!

Become a Real Estate Agent (3)

Building a website or an app can be a daunting task to undertake if you’re not tech-savvy—especially for the latter one. Building an app is for those with more advanced skills so this time we’ll just talk about building a website.

A website is a nice way to share or provide anything to other people. It can be whatever you can think of that’s possible. The question is just how to monetize it. Making your website earn you money will be difficult UNLESS it is something you are passionate about. Therefore, you need to ask yourself what is it that you enjoy doing. To help you know more the answer to this question, you should ask yourself what is it that you do that you don’t even bother to look at what time it is while you’re doing that activity. In other words, it’s most likely your hobby.

So here’s an example, Juan likes surfing. Juan starts his own website about surfing. At the beginning, he talks about how he learned to surf. Next, he talks about the best places where he had surfed. He tells his friends and acquaintances about his website and they in turn tell other people. Now that his website is visited by many people, he can monetize like by offering surfing lessons, selling surfer items, selling ad space on his site, etc. Imagine the income he gets if he combines all the money he can earn by just those few ways of monetizing his website.

You too can start your own income-generating website and enjoy passive income flowing to your bank account.

For more information on how to monetize your website, click here.


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