#BPOHottie of the Day | Owie Segarino-Parcotilo Dequito-Tual | KnowCebu

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BPO or Contact Centers is not just about taking or making calls, back office, night shifts, jackets and coffee. It’s also all about making sure they look great every day, every night and every shift. 

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title BPO Hotties of the day. Try to spot them in their following companies!


Owie Segarino-Parcotilo Dequito-Tual | Gerascophobic, Smart-mouth, Performer | Convergys

Today’s BPO Hottie of the Day is Owie Segarino-Parcotilo Dequito-Tual
Follow Owie on Facebook @Owie Segarino-Parcotilo Dequito-Tual, Instagram @iamowiesome

Full name:  Lowell Parcotilo Tual

Relationship Status:  Alone but not lonely

Hobbies:  Film buff, virtual DJ-ing, video gaming, club madness, photography, cocky, music junkie, peregrinate, foodie.

What turns you on?   Eyes, complexion (light), lips, hair, foot and fingernails, undies. When someone doesn’t comprehend sarcasm. It bugs the heck out of me.

Pet Peeves?

When someone doesn’t comprehend sarcasm. It bugs the heck out of me.

What’s your ideal date?

It’s when you both travel and savor staycation all the way to Santorini, Greece. Perf, isn’t it?!

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you?

I can sleep with eyes wide open without blinking. Meet me and I’ll show you how. Lol!

What’s the best thing about being Single?

I own my time, my decisions and my life. Simple!

How Can someone catch my attention?

Entice me with your gut to personally ask me question #4. So significant. Lol!

What’s best about Cebu?

Everything about the Queen City of the South is the best! From beaches, clubs, foods, festivals, my EXs (who introduced me the pros and cons of a big city. You know who you are. Lol!) and to my forever lively Cebuano fellaz. You definitely rock the city! WE definitely rock Cebu City! #owiesome

Johneejo Ramos

Website Developer | Computer Programmer | Guitarist

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