#BPOHottie of the Day | Joel Ballete | KnowCebu

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BPO or Contact Centers is not just about taking or making calls, back office, night shifts, jackets and coffee. It’s also all about making sure they look great every day, every night and every shift. 

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title BPO Hotties of the day. Try to spot them in their following companies!


Joel Ballete | Amiable,  Diligent, Loyal | Convergys

Today’s BPO Hottie of the Day is Joel Ballete
Follow Joel on Facebook @Joel Ballete

Full name:  Joel Ballete

Relationship Status:  I’m single but you’re perfectly welcome to change that  ?

Hobbies:  Surfing the net, Watching Sports TV Channels (Basketball , Volleyball) , hanging out in coffee shops.

What turns you on?   Family-oriented person, neat-looking person

Pet Peeves?  Bossy, arrogant people, Poor customer service at a restaurant or any establishments, having to repeat myself , Insensitive people.

What’s your ideal date?

Somewhere that has a beautiful view over the city with its light. Me and my date just sitting there on a table with candles and eating delicious food and just talking and being ourselves. Just have deep conversations and get to know each other.

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you?

I feel very emotional even in little things.

What’s the best thing about being Single?

The only person you have to spoil is yourself. You can truly learn to love yourself and your independence.

How Can someone catch my attention?

Smile and make eye contact with me.

What’s best about Cebu?

The beaches, the food , the people and the culture , total package!  I wasn’t born here but I definitely think of this place as my second home.

Johneejo Ramos

Website Developer | Computer Programmer | Guitarist

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