BPOHottie of the Day | Ian Jarabelo | KnowCebu

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BPO or Contact Centers is not just about taking or making calls, back office, night shifts, jackets and coffee. It’s also all about making sure they look great every day, every night and every shift. 

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title BPO Hotties of the day. Try to spot them in their following companies!


Ian Jarabelo | Hardwoking, Smart and Friendly | English Tutor

Today’s BPO Hottie of the Day is Ian Jarabelo
Follow Ian on Facebook @Prince Ian Jarabelo

Full name:  Ian Jarabelo

Relationship Status:  Single

Hobbies:  Swimming, reading, playing scrabble and chess and Travelling.

What turns you on? The scent of someone.

Pet Peeves? Puppy

What’s your ideal date? Beaches at south part of Cebu.

What’s the best thing about being Single?  You are able to know yourself better and love yourself first before having it shared with someone in the future.

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you:I am from a broken family.

How can someone catch my attention? My friends and even my students always see my nose and eyes as something they could really be turn on.

What’s best about Cebu? The beaches at south part of it. The extraordinary food. The unique places like Temple of Leah and Sirao. And a lot more to be discover.


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