KnowCebu Financial Tip #4 Become a Real Estate Agent

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KnowCebu Financial Tip #4 Become a Real Estate Agent – the fourth way to earn more than P100,000/month in Cebu. Build your millions!

Become a Real Estate Agent

The opportunity to earn big time once you engage yourself to the real estate industry is so big that you can become a millionaire in such a short time. You just need to be a hard-working real estate agent that works smart. You need to have a license for this though, but don’t worry because the time and money you invest to get your license will all be worth it. Just attend a seminar, pass the licensure test, and you’re done — unlike getting a real estate broker license wherein you need to go to school for a few years.

A real estate agent is a licensed individual that can sell real estate but needs to be employed  or connected to a real estate broker. The agent usually receives 2-3% commission while the broker receives 3-6%. This might be a small percentage at first glance but you need to keep in mind that houses and other real estates are sold by the millions. The best part of this is that Cebu currently has a booming real estate industry and there are thousands of properties waiting to be sold and thousands of buyers looking for them. It’s the job of the real estate agents to help the two meet each other.

So here’s an example, Pedro is a programmer. He’s earning 30K a month and wants to marry and start a family of his own. But with his current salary, he might have some tough challenges on his finances. He looks for a quicker way to build his fortune and starts a part-time real estate agent job on top of his regular profession. At first he struggles in knowing the ins and outs of the trade. He reads informative books on real estate selling and ask for advices. He constantly tries to build his social network. After 2 months of trying to sell, he finally landed on his first sale worth 2 million pesos. He gets 2% commission so that’s 40,000. On his 3rd month, he makes another sale worth 3 million pesos with a 3% commission so that’s 90,000 pesos. He quits his job and goes full time and start earning 6 digits every month. He became a millionaire in just a year’s time.


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