BDO Anti Scam Tip: Do Not Reply to Add Device

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If you didn’t add a mobile device to your online banking account, don’t reply to ADD DEVICE alert – BDO Anti Scam



As digital banking has increased dramatically with the onset of the Pandemic, more people have relied on e-banking for their digital transactions as a way to adopt to the ‘new normal’ for health safety purposes. The rise of e-banking also have raised the security standards of the banking sector to protect its depositors and platform users.

BDO Unibank implemented a two-step security process every time you’re adding a new mobile phone to your Digital Banking account.

The first step is the ADD DEVICE alert, which you need to reply to. Then you get the second step, which is the OTP you enter on your Digital Banking app.

BDO system wants to make sure you are notified and can confirm when there’s a request to add a new mobile phone to your account.

So if you did not make this request and you get the message, do not send ‘ADD DEVICE’. It may be a scammer trying to take over your account. Be smarter than a scammer and DO NOT REPLY!



Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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