#BPOHottie of the Day | Von Bayutas | KnowCebu

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BPO or Contact Centers is not just about taking or making calls, back office, night shifts, jackets and coffee. It’s also all about making sure they look great every day, every night and every shift. 

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title BPO Hotties of the day. Try to spot them in their following companies!


Von Bayutas | Transcendental, Colorful, Diverse | Customer Support Representative at Author Solutions

Today’s BPO Hottie of the Day is Von Bayutas
Follow Von on Facebook @Von Bayutas, Instagram @gvvapa, Snapchat @gvvapa, Twitter @StopVonShaming, Ask @TheBayutas

Full name:  Von Bayutas

Relationship Status:  Single, hard to get, easy to use. Hahaha.

Hobbies:  As of the moment, I take great enjoyment in every little thing. Movie and karaoke dates with my girlfriends and friends, listening to Broadway musicals, dancing, singing, going to the arcade.  Pokemon! Dogs! Dank memes.

What turns you on?   What turns me on is intellect. And if the guy looks good in glasses then that’s a bonus. Lol.

Pet Peeves? Fakeness, defensive people, not true to themselves, homophobes, people who are not willing to engage in intellectual discourse.

What’s your ideal date?

My ideal date right now is… probably going to the arcade and just enjoying ourselves then dinner in bed afterwards.

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you?

I find it hot when guys wear caps backwards. Hahaha. Bonus if pairs it with a tight shirt.

What’s the best thing about being Single?

The best thing about being single is that I don’t have to worry about getting cheated on. Hahahah.

How Can someone catch my attention?

Just showing me bouts of their passion and showing their true selves.

What’s best about Cebu?

The best thing about Cebu is the people. Cebu is like the New York of the Philippines. It never sleeps. People come from different walks of life and different places and choose to stay in Cebu due to its location. Plus the wonderful places and the hospitality associated with it. In Cebu there is comfort.

Johneejo Ramos

Website Developer | Computer Programmer | Guitarist

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