#LawStudHottie of the Day | Aivy Mae Castro | KnowCebu

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Without a doubt, going to Law or Med School is no easy feat. Personal sacrifices, like social life, has to be made to devote that time instead to studying (let’s morning the night?).

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title Law School/Med Shool Hottie of the day. Try to spot them in their following college!

Aivy Mae Castro | Risk-Taker, Family-Oriented, Good Listener | Law Student

Today’s Law Stud Hottie of the Day is Aivy Mae Castro
Follow Aivy Mae on Facebook @yvia08, Instagram @mscastroyvia, Snapchat @yvia_mae

Full name: Aivy Mae Castro

Relationship Status: Single

Hobbies:  I love singing while playing the guitar, reading inspirational books and listening to music.

What turns you on:  I am attracted to men who can engage into intellectual conversations.

Pet Peeves:  I cannot stay in an unorganized or dirty room.

What’s your ideal date?

Hmm.. I love surprises. You can just invite me on a road trip,may it be in a beach or in the mountains. As long as we can have fun and enjoy talking to each other. A romantic dinner set-up would be a plus?

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you:

I am an open book but I think people don’t know me as a homebody. I can just stay at home the whole day and sleep.

What’s the best thing about being Single?

The best thing about being single is being independent. Its more on a realization that you can live and stand on your own. You’re not being controlled and not encumbered by anyone or anything. But the best part about it is you’ll love yourself even more.

How can someone catch your attention?

If you have the courage to approach me and start a good conversation, that’s when you can catch my attention. An eye-eye contact would be helpful too but I’m most fond with men who has a good sense-humor.

What’s best about Cebu?

Cebu has a lot to offer. You can relax and enjoy the beach after a 30 min drive from the city or you can enjoy the serenity of the mountains,that’s the best thing about Cebu.


Photo credit to: HCCHUAMD2014

Johneejo Ramos

Website Developer | Computer Programmer | Guitarist

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