How to Survive NO ALLOWANCE during School Break
Applicable for Students
It’s been a stressful semester from all the requirements you have to pass, exams that you have to take, down to the mornings that you have to get up early just to attend that 7am class.
This Christmas break is much awaited and needed. However, if you’re relying on your parents for allowance, you definitely know the rule “No School, No Allowance.” So KnowCebu came up with five things you can do during school break this holidays without having to splurge this season.
Checklist #1: Movie/Series Marathon
Grap your fave pillow, binge on your fave comfort food in your fave house clothes (‘pambalay’) and watch the Korean Drama, Movies or Shows that you said you would start watching months ago but you were too busy to.
Checklist #2: Get in Touch with Friends (Not just Facebook!)
Reconnect with old friends, or friends that you have not caught up with lately. Invite them to your place, watch movies or simply chill at your fave spot and catch up with with what’s happenings in your life as they also do the same thing.
Checklist #3: Connect with Nature
Go out. Not necessarily travel somewhere far and expensive, you can go to the nearby beach or camp to a nearby forest or climb a nearby mountain. Make sandwiches, bring a mat and a little speaker with you! You don’t have to spend a lot in order to see more of the world.
Checklist #4: Family is Love
Bond with the family. Get free culinary training from your mom by helping her prepare the food, sit in the couch with dad sometimes and watch basketball with him, do your sister’s make up and take silly pictures together, or play video games or board games with your brother.
Checklist #5: HIBERNATE
Sleep. I know you need this. Get that 8hours of sleep! You deserve that!
Not receiving your daily allowance is actually not that bad. Get in touch with the basics like spending quality time for yourself and connecting with the people you care, that’s priceless. Make the most out of this Christmas break, you deserve it schoolkid!