FUCKBOY Warning!

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5 WARNING Signs that He MIGHT be a Fuckboy

Ladies, better safe than sorry

How many times have you checked your phone today just to see if he texted you? Probably every now and then? He has not been texting you for two days or three now, yet you’re still waiting for his text. Then he texts you “Hi baby girl, I’m sorry if it took me too long to get back to you, I was just really busy, I love you and I thought of you everyday” or “Hi baby girl, didn’t text you for 3 days to see if you’ll miss me 😉 did you?”. Well If he was just honest, his text could have looked like this “Hi, I’m not that into you that’s why I didn’t text you for days, I’m texting you now because my other girls are busy and I am bored.”

Even if you know that his text is a one massive lie, there you go replying “Hello baby, I missed you so much, I understand man. Don’t stress yourself too much, I love you!” or “As in, I miss you jud :(“. But if you were also just honest, your text could have looked like this “Hi, I’ve been waiting for your text for how many days, I have been busy too but I still had the time to check if you beeped me already, I know that you’re not that into me, please just leave me alone because you make me feel like shit.”

Darling it’s clear that you are most likely into a fuckboy, or no, maybe he was just really busy. Or maybe you would want to check these qualities to know what you got yourself into.



Checklist #1: The HAIRSTYLE

Guys who pull off the undercut hairstyle are more likely to be fuckboys, well according to fuckboy statistics from a woman who have encountered many of them (yours truly), 70% of guys with that hairstyle is most likely a fuckboy.
They tend to be more over confident to the point that all they care about is their look, themselves and not about you and your feelings.


Checklist #2: The Overrated OOTD

I know you’ve seen Fuckboy starter pack memes: monochrome shirts, jogger pants and overrated branded shoes, they usually wear this and spend a lot for this outfit not only to please only one girl but to attract a number of girls as much as possible.


Checklist #3: Personality on Social Media

Stalk his feed. If his timeline is only full of his pictures and irrelevant statuses that only revolves around himself and his life, he is more likely to be a fuckboy.


Checklist #4: He can’t walk the talk

He is likely to be a fuckboy when he only texts you when he’s drunk. He is likely to be a fuckboy when he leaves you hanging for hours and days just for irrelevant reasons. He is likely to be a fuckboy when he only says the words you want to hear but not the actions you want to see.


Checklist #5: Shows true intentions

He is likely to be a fuckboy when the first place he would want you both to go is in a movie house or private screening rooms. And even if you only talked for days (or a day!) and yet he already tends to be touchy even in the Taxi. He seems on a “rush” because he’s a trash!


If he got a perfect score, or at least three out of 5, baby girl don’t wait for him to text you because you wouldn’t want to be with this kind of boy. You don’t deserve someone who doesn’t care about you as much as he cares for how he looks in the mirror. You don’t deserve someone who freaks out when his white expensive shoes get dirty and doesn’t freak out when your eyes are teary.

Melissa Francine Quinal

Hi! I'm an 18 year old second year MassCommunication student from the University of the Philippines Cebu, and aside from my displayed real name you are allowed to call me Merida (my hair can do the explanation)

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