KnowCebu Financial Tip #2 Learn a Foreign Language and Teach Your Spouse

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KnowCebu Financial Tip #2 Learn a Foreign Language and Teach Your Spouse — the second way to earn more than P100,000/month in Cebu. Learning is easy!

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Learning a foreign language is not only fun, but it’s also a rewarding choice of endeavor. The time needed to learn a language may depend on your innate linguistic skills. So if you have some extra time and you’re still eager to learn something, now is the best time to start. The sooner you start, the more languages you’ll learn. And the more languages you’ll learn, the higher income potential you’ll be able to receive.

In choosing the language to learn, you must ask these following questions: how close is it to your native language; how much is the usual salary offered for such language; and how easy it is to have access to the materials needed to learn it. To double the income potential, you need to consult your spouse on which one he/she would like to learn as well.

So here’s an example, Juan and Maria are a lovely couple. They want to have a combined income of 6 digits a month but their current jobs are at a stalemate and it’s hard to get promoted. Juan sees a job ad for a spanish-speaking support with a salary of 50K. He tells his wife of the good news and their linguistic journey begins. Now they are earning 100K a month plus bonuses. Compare this quick strategy suggested here to working your way up the career ladder. It usually takes 2 years to move one step up in this figurative ladder most of the time. An entry position starts at 15K salary. After 2 years, you get promoted to a senior position and get a 5K salary increase. Another 2 years and you become a supervisor, another 5K salary increase. After the same period of time, you become a manager, so on and so forth. So many years wasted and the salary increase rate is unbearably slow. But with the option suggested in this article, you can earn 50-70k a month in just a year’s time from now. And you can double that income amount per month if you include your spouse in this wonderful endeavor.

For more information on how to learn Spanish, click here.


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