The Introvert’s Guide to Dating In Cebu

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introverts guide to dating

Are You An Introvert?

If you prefer to be alone than meeting other people and if you find it challenging to introduce yourself to a stranger, you’re most likely an introvert.
For introvert young professionals, they try to hide it by ‘faking it’  simply because they want to gain more connections. And if you want to advance your career or get promoted, one must need to mingle to everyone, especially the big heads in your organization,  to reach their objective. So they fake it till they make it but it doesn’t mean that they’ve overcome being an introvert, especially in dating.

Every Single Introvert’s Problem: Dating

Because of their personality, Introverts find it difficult to start a conversation and to mingle with strangers, at least at the onset. They prefer to be in the company of their own circle of friends if possible, always. And that’s the problem, how can someone ask them out if they don’t give others and themselves the chance to get them.


3 Tips for Introvert’s Guide to Dating

Tip#1. Smile More Often.

One of the challenges for an introvert to mingle with anyone, specially a stranger, is how to start a conversation. We (including myself), introverts, have this mentality that if they want to know us, the other person has to make that effort to open up a conversation. So we end up hoping that the other party will do exactly what we’d like to happen. And most of the time, that won’t happen at all. So we end up disappointed with ourselves, and this reinforces more our introvert behavior, that we’d rather be with ourselves than hope for someone to make a move on us.

Also, a notable feature that others will notice is that introverts ‘look’  strict and unapproachable. Again, introverts like to be themselves or their own circle of friends and with that ‘look’, they can ward off strangers telling them they’re not welcome. And the disadvantage is that we tend to have that look always even if we are not sending those ‘unwelcome’  signals. Luckily, there’s a way to overcome this – by SMILING .

Smiling is probably the simplest way to ‘invite’ a conversation. You don’t even need to fake a smile,  like showing your teeth or gums. A smirk or a half-smile will do as well as long as it’s not fake and is all natural. Just by smiling at someone that you’d like to talk with but you don’t want to initiate yourself, that someone will most likely respond with a smile back. And if you’re lucky or your consistent with smiling back at them, they will come over and initiate the conversation.


Tip#2. Get A WingMan

A Wingman is a role that a person may take when a friend needs support with approaching potential partners. A Wingman can be your ‘crazy’ friend who’s your complete opposite, speaks what’s on their mind, and is not shy.

Why get a wingman? A Wingman is someone crazy enough to do the favors for you. You can ask them to go over and talk to that ‘someone’ you like, makes friends with them, invites them to hangout with you. This way, you don’t have to make an effort to introduce yourself or start a conversation with that ‘someone’ because your friend already made that move for you.


Tip#3. Change Your Outfit.

An outfit can tell a lot about your personality. After all, we only wear something that we’re comfortable with. You may not know it but your outfit may be one of the reasons why no one is interested to know you. Your friends may have been used to your style so that’s why they’re not commenting about your look.

There’s no one style that fits all. If you’re a girl, you can ask a boy friend or vice versa for styling tips on how to attract the opposite sex. If you look ‘hot’ or sexy in a right kind of way, you won’t have a problem with initiating conversations. The other sex will initiate the conversation with you and that solves how to introduce yourself to them!

I have an introvert female friend who’s been single since birth (NBSB) whom I gave advise on how to ‘look’ hot and sexy. After following my advice, she didn’t even have to go under the knife or use too much make-up to get boys to look her way. With just a simple change of outfit and style, she became a hottie in her school (HOKAGE).


If for some reason this doesn’t help you at all to get a date, join our Speed Dating Event this May 2016 and we will help you overcome your challenges on how to introduce yourself to strangers!

Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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