Local Eye Catcher of the Day | Mark Jasper Amorin | KnowCebu

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These professionals are not just all about work and business. They understand that looking great is not just for personal reasons but a recipe for success. They’re not just eye candies, they’re Local Eye Catchers (the complete package!)

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title Local Eye Catcher. Try to spot them in their following companies/workplace!


Mark Jasper Amorin | Dog Lover, Photographer, Goal Oriented

Today’s Local Eye Catcher of the Day is Mark Jasper Amorin
Follow Mark Jasper on Facebook @Mark Jasper Amorin

Photo credit to: Mark Jasper Amorin

Full name:  Mark Jasper Amorin

Relationship Status:  In a Relationship

Hobbies:  Photography, traveling

What turns you on?  Those who love photography too

Photo credit to: Nivra


What’s your ideal date?

Someone who wont bore even a second of us being together.

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you

I cry when I’m alone, sometimes

How can someone catch your attention?

Being true to oneself.


What’s best about Cebu?

The culture.

Johneejo Ramos

Website Developer | Computer Programmer | Guitarist

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