When Dating Guys With A Car…

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5 Rules To Remember When Dating Guys With A Car

‘Naa Kay Car’ (Do you have a car)? This line has been the subject of memes in Cebu this year and probably in the Philippines.  Who doesn’t want to date anyone with a car, especially if it’s the latest model? If you’re dating someone with a car, remember these 5 rules.

Rule#1. Don’t Be Choosy Of The Car Model.

A Car is still a Car, regardless of its year and model. Just be thankful that someone with a car notices you. Unless you’ve known the guy for a long time, a car owner (or the son, relative of the car owner, family driver, or anyone who drives a car) only notices you because of  your looks and not because you’re brainy or the girl (or guy) of their dreams. You were asked out because you’re good-looking, sexy, or hot.


Rule#2. Don’t Be Choosy If You’re Not Yummy

In local dialect, the saying goes “Huwag Kang Choosy Kung Hindi Ka Yummy.

Some guys were born lucky with families who can afford to buy a car AND got the looks. But MOST guys with cars are NOT gifted with the looks. So if a not-so-good-looking guy with a car stops by and asks you out or your name, have the courtesy to stop and give your name as well. Don’t be impolite and pretend that you don’t notice him (or the car) stopping. Only good-looking or certified hotties (yummy!) have the right to be choosy as to who they want to talk to.

Aren’t you flattered that a guy notices you for your looks or hotness? That itself is a feat. So be thankful if a guy with a car stops by and ask you out on a date.


Rule#3. Never Expect You’ll Be Taken Out On A Date To A Restaurant Or Movie.

Just because a guy has a car doesn’t mean he’ll take you out for dinner or a movie. Guys with cars HAVE to spend a considerable amount of money to maintain a car such as gasoline, insurance, accessories and the like. So be considerate and do not request nor ask for them to spend for food or recreation. Just be contented that he lets you ride in his car.


Rule#4. His Fave Venue For A Date Is His Car.

Like Rule#3, guys with cars have to be thrifty to maintain such lifestyle. So just be happy that he asked you out on a date and let you ride in his car. If you’ve had enough of the “joy rides” in his car, there’s always his place or yours. You choose.


Rule#5. Something Must Happen On The First Date.

If a guy with a car stops over and asks you out on a date or if you want to ride, that just means he’s physically attracted to you. So if you accept his invitation and enters his car, it means that you are game for a ‘physical activity/ies’ with him for that moment.

Gone are the days that strangers ask you to ride in their car out of genuine concern. It’s the modern times. So if you can’t follow the rules, just ride a jeepney or grab a taxi.

*CAUTION: If the driver looks scary, criminal looking, and suspicious, run for your life! It might be kidnap-for-kidney-or-other-internal-organs gang.

Got some additional tips or funny experience? Comment below!, 

Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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