D’ Hub Restobar

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Feature: D’ Hub Restobar


When you see a ‘Bar’ in Hollywood movies, it’s usually a place where everyone grabs a drink, having fun and chilling with friends, flirting and just unwinding. A Club, on the other hand, is the place for dancing, loud music, and getting drunk (unless money is an issue). But in Cebu, we often use the word ‘Bars’ when we are referring to ‘Clubs’. I’m not boring, but I prefer chilling with friends than dancing all night (maturity issues? more like knees issues lol).

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D’Hub Restobar is located infront of the Diplomat Hotel along Ramos St. The Restobar is located at the second floor but is very accessible.

When one enters D’ Hub, you won’t be welcomed by loud music. Instead, you will be greeted with a ‘Parisian’ inspired Bar concept (just see for yourself) and large sofas perfect for chilling with friends!

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The main highlight of the Restobar experience is you can sing Karaoke songs for free! You can just enter your fave music via Youtube (YES, that includes the latest hits!) plus the keyword ‘Videoke’ and you’re good to go. There’s no limit to the no. of songs you can sing, but if there are other customers in the bar, just give courtesy and let others use the stage.

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And they have BEERPONG! It’s free to play and you can just ask the waiter to assist you on setting up. So you can definitely challenge your friends or another group to a game of Beerpong and whoever losses, gets to pay a bucket of beer!

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The price is also very affordable (See Menu below) and you can order meals, short orders and cocktails that’s within your budget (even a student’s budget!).

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What makes the Restobar more awesome? Get to know the groovy Owner and she might be able to help you figure out which to order or make a special order for you!

And before I forget, they’re open from 11am to 2am Monday to Saturday. So if you and your friends are looking for a private place to chill and party in broad daylight and night time, this is definitely the place to be!)

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Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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