Sunpride launches a Commemorative Coffee Table Book on its 50th Anniversary

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To Cement Its Legacy, Sunpride Unveils Commemorative Book Retracing its Proud Legacy

To commemorate its 50th year in the industry, Sunpride unveiled its commemorative book during Cebu Press Freedom Week in a virtual ceremony. The Book, “Fuller at 50: Retracing Sunpride’s Proud Legacy”, covers the company’s three journeys— its rich past, its present achievements, and its pursuit of innovation and excellence for the next 50 years.

The book includes it humble beginnings, especially the roles of founders Dr. Sergio Wong, George Castillo and Sixto Castillo. Aside from being a memoir, it is also written for the younger generation of leaders to have a better idea of what traditional companies went through to get to where they are now.

“We wanted a commemorative book to mark our 50th anniversary. We know that the trend now is to go digital. But more than accessibility in mind, we wanted something tangible and lasting. We’re proud to have it alongside all the other historical books with the Cebu City and Mandaue City public libraries and in the Cebuano Center Studies Library,” said Don Hanley Wong, Marketing Head of Sunpride Foods Inc.

“The anniversary book is truly a collective effort of committed individuals who share a common vision of documenting Sunpride’s 50th year in a commemorative publication,” author Cris Evert Lato-Ruffolo said.

The ceremonial turnover and book unveiling was led by Sunpride’s Marketing Head Don Hanley Wong and Marketing Team Leader Bryan Astrolabio. Receiving their commemorative book copies were Angelina Cagatulia from Mandaue City Public Library and library staff Sharon Jakosalem representing Chief Librarian Rosario Chua from Cebu City Public Library.

The coffee table book will soon be available at the Cebu City Public Library, Mandaue City Public Library, and Cebuano Studies Center Library. The public can also view the digital storybook version on Sunpride’s newly revamped website,

With its 50-year track record of providing Filipinos a fuller, tastier, better lifestyle, Sunpride is looking forward to reaffirming its position as a leading provider of affordable protein in the years to come.



Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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