BPOHottie of the Day | JD Escario | KnowCebu

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BPO or Contact Centers is not just about taking or making calls, back office, night shifts, jackets and coffee. It’s also all about making sure they look great every day, every night and every shift. 

Check out these guys and girls who definitely deserves the title BPO Hotties of the day. Try to spot them in their following companies!


JD Escario | Simple, Energetic, Hard Working | BPO

Today’s BPO Hottie of the Day is JD Escario
Follow JD on Facebook @JD Escario

Photo Credit to Steadfast Photography by Jeff Maningo

Full name:  Jhon Dale Bautista Escario

Relationship Status:  Single-VERY MUCH

Photo Credit to Steadfast Photography by Jeff Maningo

Hobbies:  Playing Badminton, Eating out with close friends, Watching Movies- I know it’s a cliché but that’s just how it is.

Pet Peeves? Poor customer service, hypocrites, social climbers

Photo Credit to Steadfast Photography by Jeff Maningo

What’s your ideal date? I have no idea ?

What’s the best thing about being Single?  You can truly learn to love yourself, unlock your hidden potential and strengthen your independence

Photo Credit to Steadfast Photography by Jeff Maningo

Name one (1) Fact that people don’t know about you: I’m a very simple guy, people mostly perceive me as a ‘Señorito’ but I’m really the exact opposite ?

How can someone catch my attention? Being oneself with no pretending always works

What’s best about Cebu? Of course, The people! And its rich history and diverse culture.

Photo Credit to Steadfast Photography by Jeff Maningo

Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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