5 Tips When Riding Cebu Jeepneys

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5 Tips When Riding Cebu Jeepneys

Riding Cebu jeepneys is not an easy feat, especially for newbies to the city and newbies to this form of public transport. Things may get confusing and a lot could go horribly wrong! Maybe not “horribly”, but still, it could get very frustrating and inconvenient.

Thus this is a short guide for all of you who are new to riding Cebu City jeepneys; tourists who are out to experience the real Cebu; and even pa-rich kids with no cars with not so rich new friends. Mahal kaya mag-taxi!


Tip#1. Know The Pick Up Point

Jeeps have their routes painted on its sides, and there are even placards of such hanging in the front windshield. Ride the jeep where you want to go which is within those routes given. But when in doubt, just ask the driver or the “konduktor” (the jeep conductor) if the jeep passes your destination. Be sure to ask clearly! Some of them tend to just nod and agree just to get passengers.

Although the city designates proper jeepney stops, jeeps that are in-need would stop at any sidewalk or corner where there is a potential passenger. But as much as possible, stick to the jeepney stops just to be safe. Though even seasoned jeepney riders, like yours truly, don’t know where those stops are.

Just raise your hand, pointing at your desired jeep to call its attention. But if a wrong jeep stops for you, just nod your head rigorously from side-to-side to signal the jeep that you’re not interested. Just like how your crush nodded their heads at you to signal their not interested either. (*cries in corner)


Tip#2. (Don’t) Be The Lazy Passenger

If you’re like me, I avoid as much I can to pass other people’s fare. So if we are kindred spirits, in order to avoid this, either sit at the farthest back part of the jeep, away from the driver. Or if there is a konduktor who collects the fares, sit as far away from the konduktor as well. Or just sit in the front seat, if available. I guarantee 100% effective.

But if you were unfortunately seated in a fare passing zone, you can just pretend to be asleep. If not, don’t be a douchebag and ignore passing the fare. Fair is fare.


Tip#3. Know How To Be Dropped Off

When wanting to depart from the jeep, there are 3 easy ways to signal the driver. Which one you’ll follow, I will leave to you to decide.

First is the “Lugar lang”. “Lugar lang” is the Cebuano counterpart of “para po”. Saying so to the driver or konduktor is a failsafe way to signify your wanting to depart the jeep. However if the driver is deaf or pretends to be deaf then this may not be effective in your situation.

So we go to number 2, the “Knock Knock Knock”. Banging on the metal holding pole in the jeep with a coin or knocking on the jeeps wooden roof is also an effective means to get the driver’s attention to stop. “Knock Knock Knock” because three taps should be enough for any driver. If the driver is again really deaf “Knock x 1000” should get their attention.

Lastly, if 1 and 2 were not effective then a combination of both could prove more effective for you. If the driver/konduktor still does not notice you because they are apparently in a coma, I think it would be best if you just jump out of the jeepney ‘coz it will surely crash soon. Kidding! Just do “Knock + Lugar lang x 1million” or call the police if still not effective.

*Again, Cebu jeeps don’t usually follow jeepney stops (unless if there are CITOMs around) so take your chances and ask to be dropped off when nearest your stop.


Tip#4. Beware All Those Enter

We all know the dangers of riding public transport, especially at night or when passing by secluded areas. So just to be safe, keep your eyes open for any possible danger.

A common scheme of jeepney pickpockets or hold-uppers is where they have big bags with them, usually empty or has little contents, placed in front of their body where their hands are clearly behind the bags in order to hide their hands while they try to go for the belongings of those beside them. It is best to keep away from these people inside the jeep, or simple depart from the jeep altogether.

Another scheme they use is the “hulog-piso modus” or where someone “accidentally” let-goes of their change and has them fall on the floor. Being good-natured that we are, our primary instinct is to help the person out, picking up the coins. Little do we know, because of us bending down, it opens up our pockets and diverts our attention, allowing them to take the contents of our pockets.

There are other schemes but these are the two most common ones. Beware doesn’t mean be afraid, just be aware. =)


Tip#5. Choose The Best Seat

The last tip I have is where you should sit on your next jeepney ride. Aside from the benefits of not having to pass other people’s fares, where you would sit inside the jeepney would also affect the entire experience of the ride.

When the sun is out and scorching, it would be best to sit where, during most of the ride, the angle of the sun is in the opposite side. I mean who would want to sweat like a pig and get tan line while riding a jeep?

For me, I don’t really care much if the sun hits me or not. No, I haven’t lost my mind. The reason is that I care for something more than the heat, and that’s my hair. If you styled your hair to go to a specific direction, it would be best, in order to maintain that style, to sit on the side of the jeep where the air would be flowing in the same direction as your hair, instead of opposing it, which would result to a really bad hair day!

In case of rain, don’t sit near the exit of the jeep, not only does rain water get in, passengers boarding, who were out in the rain would splash those nearest to where they would come in.

Lastly, pick your seatmates well. Sit beside someone clean and looks to have had a bath just today. This not only benefits your nose, but also your entire look and feel, avoiding yourself from other people’s sweat and dirt and maintaining your pleasant smell.

If you happen to sit beside someone good looking, then that’s just a bonus and not really necessary. Anyway, it would be very weird if you keep staring at the person beside you. But if that person is sitting across from you, who cares who your sitting beside! Who’d care about the sun or the rain? I know I would’t!


Ceth Garvez

®Nurse | ®Real Estate Broker | Law Student | Writer | Traveller | Hopeless Romantic | Student of Life

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