5 Must Know Rules When Riding A Jeepney

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riding a jeepney

Know And Be Aware Of The 5 Must-Know Rules In Riding A Jeepney

Why should there be rules in riding a Jeepney when we’ve ridden Jeepneys a thousand times? The Jeepney is the main form of public transportation in the country. It’s the most convenient and cheapest way for every Filipino to move from one place to another.

There are instances that riding a Jeepney becomes a bad experience ruining the rest of your day. These rules are more of a Riding a Jeepney Etiquette to guide you and others whom you might want share this too, so that every passenger can enjoy a safe and pleasant ride throughout the journey.


Rule#1. Reserve The Front Seat And The Seat Nearest The Entrance Of The Jeepney For The Elderly, Pregnant Women, And For Persons With Disabilities (PWDs).

Most of us want to sit at the front, beside the driver, or the seat nearest to the entrance of the Jeepney. Obviously, it’s very convenient for anyone to sit in these places because it’s easier for us to embark and disembark when we want to. There are times though that we need to sacrifice our own convenience and take into consideration other person’s convenience such as the Elderly, the Handicapped, and those Pregnant women. There are times that it irks me seeing teens or physically capable individuals who won’t give up their seat or won’t give space near these ‘seats’ even if an elderly, a handicapped person, or pregnant women is about to embark.

We need to be aware that aside from the fact that it is a law requiring these ‘seats’ to be reserved to these people, it should also be a moral and civic duty for every abled individual to give considerations to the Elderly, the Pregnant Women, and PWD Passengers.

So the next time you’re riding a jeepney, please be considerate and be mindful of the convenience of the Elderly, Pregnant Women, and PWDs. I’m sure you have a relative or a friend who falls in those categories. You don’t want them to experience a hard time or difficulty embarking or riding a Jeepney, right?


Rule#2. Say ‘Please’ Or It’s Local Dialect Counterpart When Asking The Other Passengers To Relay Your Fare To The Driver.

Don’t you find it annoying or disrespectful if a fellow passenger just hands you, or worst, taps or makes ‘kuhit’ your shoulders to pass their or someone else’s fare to the driver? It’s just common courtesy. If you’re tapping or making kuhit to the other passenger, you’re invading their space. So respect other people’s space by not touching them just to have your or someone else’s fare relayed. It’s not the duty of any passenger to relay your fare to the driver. It is your personal duty and responsibility to pay your fare to the driver. Everyone is paying. You’re not special. So be courteous and polite to other passengers when relaying your or someone else’s fare. Of course not giving offense to the mute or those who are physically able to say please. But for the rest of us, this should be a must. In Cebu saying “plite palihug” should be sufficient.

Rule#3. Make Sure To Keep Your Hair To Yourself

No matter how beautiful or how long your hair is, WE DON’T CARE. There are girls (or some rare specie of long haired guys) who are so insensitive, especially to the other passenger beside them, that they won’t tie or hold their hair while riding a jeepney. Don’t you just hate it when a girl’s hair is blown by the wind and it goes to your face (OR MOUTH, YUCK!)? It doesn’t matter if you’re using Rejoice or Ariel 7.50 on your hair to make it shiny and smell good. It’s still disgusting and disturbing if it touches someone else’s face.


Rule#4. Make Sure that Both Your Hands Are Placed In Your Lap Or As Long As Both Hands Are Visible to Everyone.

This rule is for everyone to let the other passengers know that they’re safe and that you’re not a thief, a criminal or someone with a hidden agenda. Even if you’re carrying a bag or something, both hands should still be in the open for everyone to see. This is because thieves usually use a bag to cover their hands while reaching the pockets or valuables of the passengers beside them.

If you’re not hiding anything or planning on doing something criminal, then this shouldn’t be a problem for you.


Rule#5. Be Considerate Of The Other Passengers At All Times.

Jeepneys are a form of public transportation for everyone’s convenience. Always respect the other passenger’s space and convenience. Avoid the following:
1. Talking too loudly.
2. Playing your music for all to hear. (*Wear earphones.)
3. Taking too much space when sitting.
4. Blocking the center aisle with your things or feet.
5. Putting your elbows all over the place discomforting other passengers. (*Just your hands on your laps please.)


Always Remember the Golden Rule, also applicable when riding a Jeepney, treat others the way you want to be treated as well!

Now that you know the etiqutte you should follow when riding jeeps, you should also know the 5 Tips When Riding Cebu Jeepneys to help make your jeepney ride the best that it can be!

Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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