8 Ways to Look Good After a Break-Up

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How to Look Good After a Break-Up

“Sino ang gumanda matapos ang break-up?”
(Who looked gorgeous after break-up?)

Remember this funny line thrown by Bella Padilla in the movie Camp Sawi? (I hope I remember the line right). While she pointed out the common situation after break-up, I certainly beg to disagree.

Yes, it might be true that lack of sleep, no appetite and even smelling bad are after break-up situations. But you should never let yourself get stocked in that stage for you deserve better. And when I say this, it’s to look and feel better. Why get ugly when you can be gorgeous? Here are some ways:



#1 Sleep Early

Days, weeks or months of sleepless nights can come in hefty cost. It makes your skin dull and would create eye bags. One study found out that lack of sleep can be associated to negatives thoughts, as reported in 9 science-backed reasons why you should go to bed early by huffingtonpost.com. Proper rest and hitting the hay before 10 pm then wake up at 6 or 7 am will replace those tired cells with new one giving you brighter and healthier body, mind (and even soul).


#2 Eat Vegetables and Fruits

According to fruitsandveggiesmorematter.com, eating these will give you variety of health benefits (and of course good for your after break-up look). Vitamin A will give you good skin complexion to attract new mates and good eye sight to look for new one. Vitamic C helps heal cut and wounds, at least not the emotional wounds. Vegetables and fruits can also lower your high blood pressure to that person since it contains phytochemicals.


#3 Exercise

Why do this? Study shows that one of the benefits of exercise is to give you focus. In this, you will have the chance to reshaping yourself and releasing all the bad energy by channeling it as your sweat.

Exercise your way to freedom by yourbeauty.com explains that “Consider the binding effects of obesity, weakness, exhaustion, frailty, depression, stress and poor sleep. All of these tie you down and keep you from functioning at your peak. Regular exercise relieves every one of these constrictions and frees you. It reduces depression, anxiety and the effects of stress, leaving you free to focus on what you want and what you can control. It promotes sleep, leaving you more refreshed for the coming day.”


#4 Take Supplements/Vitamins

We cannot eat all the foods to get all the vitamins and minerals. The best way to have it is to take supplements to add the lacking benefits.


#5 Go Shopping

They say shopping is women’s happiness. If it is true, then why deprive yourself? Instead of enslaving yourself by attaching your self-concept to the conceptions and whims of another person, use this occasion to liberate yourself, both emotionally and physically. Buy yourself new clothes for a new you. Bring friends along to make it more fun!


#6 Get a new hair style

Getting a new hair cut after the break-up may elicit various reactions from people around you. While this is expected, don’t listen to them (if they’re saying bad things). Listen to people who can give you better advice where to get the best hair style for a new you. As a certain conditioning shampoo advertisement said it, women deserve a crowning glory. So, cut it and make it your tiara.


#7 Have a Positive Outlook

Mindsetting is the best way how to stay and be beautiful. If you always stay positive, the effects will reveal it. Looking things in clearer perspective gives you a vibrant feeling and a feeling of moving forward for a better you. Don’t let the past drag you down. Be positive! Wag kang aayaw.


#8 Party hard and enjoy life!

Never forget to have fun! After ng pagmumukmok mo, get out in your cave. See the beautiful sunshine above you. Literally, the dance balls. Kidding aside, have an exciting and fun activities too aside from partying. Go mountaineering. Go to the beach. Visit places. And don’t forget to give more time to your family now. Remember that they are always there for you even when you feel no one can understand because they do.


These are just simple ways to uplift yourself from all the meltdown you’ve been through. You deserve this girl. Always remember that no one is ugly. Don’t be consumed of how beauty is being perceived by the society. However, you should take care of yourself. How can you do it to others if you can’t do to yourself? Remember that before there is you and him, there is you and you first.

Kent Ugalde

Journalism graduate | ENTJ | Pasta, Pizza and Burger lover

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