5 Break Up Rules Codified

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Want To Quickly Move On After Ending A Relationship? Follow This 5 Break Up Rules Codified

Letting go of a romantic relationship, however long or short it may be, is a grueling experience for almost everyone. You could either be the one who just wants to leave the relationship or the one wanting (secretly or not) to make the relationship work. You just have to remember that a relationship ALWAYS needs BOTH parties to make it work. NO EXCEPTIONS. So if it doesn’t, check out these 5 Break Up Rules to know how to deal with a break-up and eventually move on.


Break Up Rule#1. It’s Over When Either Party Decides The Relationship Isn’t Working.

The moment you or the other party decides that the relationship isn’t working, the relationship is already dead. There’s no use trying to make the relationship work once any of the parties has decided to quit. The relationship can only be saved as long as one or both of you realize that there are issues that needs to be fixed and both are willing to work on it while you’re together, and NOT AFTER either party decide to call it quits. Relationships are like a bag of chips. Once the bag has been opened, the guarantee of freshness is gone. You can reseal the bag, but the chips will still lose its crispiness. You have to keep the chips well and reheat them, otherwise it will just go stale.


Break Up Rule#2. There’s No Such Thing As Second or Nth Chance.

Same with Break Up Rule#1, if at any moment one of the parties decides to quit the relationship for whatever reason, it’s better to just end it. Don’t try to make things work. Even if both of you decide to make things work the 2nd time, there will always be a possibility that those unsolvable issues will rise again. You’re just delaying the inevitable and prolonging the agony. There was a reason(s) why you broke-up, if those reasons still exist, then there’s no point in getting back together.


Break Up Rule#3. Make Yourself Available To Dating After A Month.

Romantic movies taught us about the 3 Month Rule* after a break-up (*That after breaking-up, you have to wait for 3 months before you can start dating again). But why 3 months? Isn’t that a bit unfair? For 3 months you expose yourself to hurt, bitterness, and a lot of negative thoughts and what ifs, which is really unhealthy, all because movies told us so. So why prolong the agony? I say ONE MONTH is more than enough and considerate for both parties to pick themselves up before going back into the dating scene.


Break Up Rule#4. Whoever Initiates the Break Up Should Return The Gifts/Items That Were Given To Them.

Since you had the nerve to initiate the break up, you have no right to keep the items that were given to you as gifts. Although, if the value of the gift was only Php500 or lower then you could keep ’em. But if it’s higher, have some decency and return it to the other party. If you don’t, then obviously you were only after your ex’s money. (BAGA’G NAWONG/THICK FACE/KAPAL NG MUKHA!)


Break Up Rule#5. Make Sure Both Of You Know The Reason For The Break Up. (CLOSURE)

Regardless of who initiated the break-up, both of you need to have some closure. Closure will help both parties realize what went wrong and to prevent it from happening again in their next relationship. But to be honest, if the break-up was bad don’t tell them what they did wrong. Let their next relationship suffer so that their new girl/guy would see what a mistake your ex is! Mwahahahha! Kidding! Be the better person and get closure, not only for the other persons sake, but also for yourself.


Of course, if one party pulls out a ring and proposes, or if marriage is already on the table, then just ignore these Codified Break Up Rules.

And if there are other rules that we missed, feel free to share your thoughts and enter it in the comments section below.

So remember, if your ex-special someone gave you a gift like an iPAD MINI or an iPHONE 6S+ when you were together, please have the courtesy to return it to them. (YOU DON’T DESERVE IT!)


Migo V.

Digital Editor & Marketer | Single & Hopeless Romantic | Loves the 90s Pop music and any chicken recipe #TeamCap

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