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Wag Maging Tanga Series: 10 SIGNS TO KNOW YOU’RE CHEATING

I’m not a cheater. And I will never be a cheater.

I guess all of us say these lines since we don’t want to experience bad karma. And maybe we just don’t think and feel it’s right. But have you ever wondered what it feels like to cheat and how does one do it? Here are some signs:



Sign #1 Repeating the question

Girl: Who was the girl 2 seat far from you in last night’s picture?
Boy: Who was the girl? Ummm She’s Fred’s cousin.
Kabahan ka na kasi! A 2011 study by UCLA Professor R. Edward Geiselman found that people who tend to repeat the questions before answering are most likely liars. He said, “…perhaps to give themselves time to concoct an answer.”


Sign #2 Changes in behaviour

Boy: Pahawa bi! Alingasa kaayo ka!
Girl: Labon bitaw sauna, gusto sige hug. 
Your partner already knows how you respond to every situation, what you like to eat, wear, do etc. So, sudden changes in the behaviour should be a red flag for a duplicitous behaviour, according to the research of Behavioural Analyst Lillian Glass.


Sign #3 Ask a friend

Friend: You two have a problem no?
You: What? No! Himo kaayo og issue oy.
Friend: Well, you don’t have to say it ‘cause I already sensed it.
You: Actually…
An outsider or basically an objective friend can help in assessing the way how you treat your partner. Telling him/her about your moves most likely will generate honest results. Just wish that you’re not part of the bandwagon.


Sign #4 You enjoy more your time alone

Her: What are you doing?
Him: I’m playing.
Her: Let’s go to Lilay’s house.
Him: I’m playing.
Paying more attention to your “me time” means you’re not happy anymore to spend your time with him/her. You also find solitude better.


Sign #5 You fantasize to be with someone else

While scrolling Facebook…
You: …Suddenly sees him with no t-shirt in the beach then…
You: Shet! Kalami ba’s pandesal oyyy
If this entered in your mind in a very random time, then you are already cheating. Fantasizing to be with others means you are discontented with your partner and that he/she bores you.


Sign #6 You don’t consider sharing the big news first to your partner

You: F*ck! I didn’t get the promotion. *then messages friends*
You: -message- Where you at? Let’s grab some drinks. I’m sad.
Surely, if something came up, may it be positive or negative news, you can’t wait to tell him/her about it. And that it excites you to go home or hit your phone just to share what you know. But if you forgot to consider him/her in the first place, you got a problem.


Sign #7 You’re still texting your exes

You: Hey! Haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?
Her: -SEEN-
You: Grabe bayyy
Her: *replies after 1 hour* Sorry, was busy kanina. I’m doing good. Ikaw? Looking good ha.
You: Yay! Thanks. Mas ka oy. You look prettier…
Asking how he/she’s doing is a sign that you’re still into him/her. And that this move is a form of cheating. You might rebut by saying you’re still friends and doing this is common. If yes, just make sure that your partner knows it to avoid any fights.


Sign #8 Hiding your relationship status!

At the bar…
Someone: Don’t keep closer. Basin nay masuko.
You: Sus, wa oyyyy
Aren’t you proud of it? Well, there’s a huge difference between being low key and not telling anyone that you already have a girl or guy (unless it’s a secret relationship). Hiding this means you want to have flings to other people and that having one is never enough.


Sign #9 You enjoy the company of other man/girl friend than your partner

You: Babe, laag ta!
Her: Babe, naka-yes naman ko’s laag namo with Lea and friends oy. Lisod ibalibad nila.
You already have him/her to share beautiful memories and cherish time together. But wait, you enjoy other’s company better and that makes you a cheater. Sounds bad, right?


Sign #10 Starting fights and finding faults

Her: Gahi jud ka’g ulo no?
You: What?
Her: I told you not to buy Red Nectar, buy Blue instead.
You: Ingon ka, gipu-ol naka sa Blue.
Her: Hilom bi! Sige ka nalang ing-ana. Kadtong niagi…
Making small mistakes big and making this an issue is a sign that you’re cheating. Add it up throwing all the faults to him/her even if not or even if there’s none also count.


Writing this doesn’t intend to teach you how to be one so that you have the reason or ways how to end a relationship. Rather, this is to educate you (for those who really don’t know the rules) and to remind and make you feel (for those experienced ones) that your partner doesn’t deserve to be cheated on. Consider yourself to be in his/her shoe. How would you feel if you find out that your partner who you really love is cheating on you? Just a piece of cake, if you feel unhappy in your present relationship cheating is not the solution. Talk to him/her and find ways how to make things work. If after all the efforts it still doesn’t work, then have a conversation and end your relationship in a good day.

Kent Ugalde

Journalism graduate | ENTJ | Pasta, Pizza and Burger lover

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